当前位置:首页 > 过刊浏览->2010年第31卷第1期
Study the crust structure under Qinghua Seismic Station with receiver function method
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 杨军 金明培
- 作者单位:
- 中国云南 671000 中国地震局滇西地震预报实验场办公室
- 关键词:
- 接收函数;青华地震台;地壳厚度;反方位角
receiver function, Qinghua Seismic Station, crust thickness, back azimuth
- 摘要:
- 利用小湾电站水库诱发地震台网之青华地震台记录到的93个远震地震事件,挑选其中效果较好的55个远震地震事件进行接收函数的计算,研究同一个台站下方地壳厚度随反方位角的变化情况。结果表明: ①在青华地震台下方地壳平均厚度约为405 km;②不同方位的远震事件反映出台站下方不同方位的地壳厚度存在差异;③青华地震台下方地壳厚度存在由南向北逐渐增厚的特点,而东西向的横向变化不明显;④青华地震台反方位角在112°附近区域地壳厚度变化异常明显。
Using the 3component digital recording data of 93 teleseismic events, we calculated and selected out 55 receiver function (RF) of body wave under Qinghua Seismic Station in Xiaowan Dam seismic network, for the study on the crust thickness variation with the back azimuth. We found that: ①the average crust thickness under the Qinghua Seismic Station is about 40.5 km; ②different crust thickness given out by teleseismic events from the different back azimuth; ③generally, crust thickness showed a decrease tendency from north to south part of the station. But no obvious difference from east to west; ④another phenomenon is that the crust thickness anomaly change obviously at the area where the back azimuth is about 112°.