当前位置:首页 > 过刊浏览->2010年第31卷第3期
In this paper, daily geoelectric amplitude recorded in Changli Seismic Station was analyzed. It showes that the daily geoelectric amplitude has season effect, EW and SN ganiometries have the maximum daily amplitudes in summer, but the minimum value of EW and SN ganiometries showed difference, the reason was to related to the complicated signal of geoelecticity. The electric storm could recorded the sudden commencement amplitude, initial phase and magnafacies, but none of all the electric storms and geomagnetic storms had the same change, even some electric storms had no change type, it is high frequency pulse mode in electici storms record, the reason was to be the first order difference. The geomagnetic storm of K=7 was analyzed in several stations, it is found the sudden commencement amplitude, perturbation maximum amplitude had different degree change, probably it is related to the electric property structure of station.