当前位置:首页 > 过刊浏览->2010年第31卷第4期
主要从Miniseed格式以及Steim算法的相关原理出发,分析单台1 s理论最大和最小数据量。根据福建台网数据,对各种仪器取样,然后取平均,得出实际每个包数据量的一般值和最大值。根据现有数据传输方式,除去传输中的理论损耗,计算相关带宽对应的最大数据传输量。在得出地震数据单台1 s数据临界值和带宽最大传输量的情况下,总结计算结果,得出测震传输网络传输带宽临界值。
In this thesis, the theoretic maximum and minimum of data transformation per second in every station are analyzed based on the principle of Miniseed and Steim algorithm. According to the selected statistics of Fujian monitoring network, we gain an average value and the actual maximum and minimum of every network transmission packet. Then reducing the loss of transmission, we calculate the maximum transmission capacity at the given bandwidth through recent transmission method. In the cast of gaining the maximum and minimum of every station per second and the maximum of transmission, we obtained the critical value of transmission bandwidth of seismic monitoring network.