当前位置:首页 > 过刊浏览->2010年第31卷增刊1
Discussions on the operation of Xiamen Digital Seismological Network
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 丁俊芳 蔡欣欣 叶振民
- 作者单位:
- 中国福建 361003 厦门市地震局
- 关键词:
- 地震遥测台网;数字化;运行情况
seismological network, digitization, operation status
- 摘要:
- 厦门数字化台网是中国第一个由市政府投资建成的小型台网,其设计布局有利于兴化湾地区及东山南澳地区、漳州盆地和厦门以东北东向北西向断裂交汇区地震活动的监测。通过对台网实测资料的分析,检验了台网的监测能力,认为距中心100—150 km发生的大于ML 2.5地震和距中心450 km 内(包括中国台湾东带) 发生的大于ML 3.5 地震处于该台网有效监测范围内。
Xiamen Digital Seismological Network is the first small seismological network invested and set up by city government in China. And its design is made for monitoring earthquakes in regions of Xinghua gulf, DongshanNan′ao area, Zhangzhou basin and northeast and northwest fracture junction to the east of Xiamen. We analyzed the data recorded by Xiamen Digital Seismic Telemetry Network and tested its monitoring capability. To the center, earthquakes ML ≥2.5 occurred 100—150 km away and earthquakes ML≥3.5 occurred 450 km away (including Taiwan East Belt, China) are within the monitoring range.