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河北测震台网脉冲标定管理系统软件具有脉冲标定量取、标定异常处理、基于数据库的脉冲标定管理、日志、用户管理等功能。系统在Windows XP操作系统环境下,采用VC++集成开发环境和Access数据库进行开发。在河北测震台网投入运行后,有效提高值班人员的工作效率和质量,具有良好的推广应用前景。
In this paper, we have designed software named SPMIS. SPMIS provides several functions such as pulse calibration, exception handling and user management. SPMIS is developed under VC++ and applied in Windows XP. It has both good performance and stability that it has greatly improved the staff’s efficiency and quality.