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Evaluation and Analysis of the Geoelectric Field’s Observation Quality in Shandong Region
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 董晓娜1,苏道磊2,鲁成义3,曲 利1,张慧峰1,吴 晨1
- 作者单位:
- 1 中国山东 250014 山东省地震局,2 中国山东 250014 济南市地震局,3 中国山东 276114 郯城马陵山地震台
- 关键词:
- 地电场;地震;相关系数;归零差值;日变形态;
Geoelectric Field; Earthquake; Correlation Coefficient; Zero difference; Daily Variation;
- 摘要:
- 本文简述了山东区域地电场观测台网的概况,并从连续率、完整率、相关系数、归零差值、日变形态等几个方面对七个台的观测数据质量进行了评价和分析。结果表明:郯城台、菏泽台、大山台和陵阳台数据质量较好,精度较高,可为地震研究提供可靠的数据资料;而安丘台、邹城台和乳山台数据质量稍差,部分指标不合格,数据稳定性不高。经初步分析可知,观测环境、仪器稳定性、观测装置运转状况(如电极工作状态、测量线路绝缘及线路接触情况等)、数据预处理水平及预处理尺度的把握均是影响地电场观测数据质量的重要因素。
This article outlined the basic operation conditions of the geoelectric field observation network in Shandong region, and then it conducted the data quality evaluation and analysis from the aspects of continuous rate, full rate, correlation coefficient, zero difference and the data-change curve.The results showed that: the data set of Tancheng station, Heze station, Dashan station and Lingyang station is better in quality and high accuracy, it can provide reliable data for seismic research. Otherwise, the data sets of Anqiu station, Zoucheng station and Rushan station is worse in quality, some indicators is failure and the data stability is not high. After preliminary analysis, it found that the observing environment, instrument stability, the operating conditions of observation unit(such as the working conditions of the electrode, the insulation and connection of the measuring line, etc. ), data pre-processing levels and pre-scale effects are all important factors to the quality of the geoelectric field observation data.