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本文介绍了SLDZ-1数字化地下流体多测项综合观测仪的主要结构和工作原理,同时说明了该仪器的技术指标和功能。另外,从水位、水温、H2 、CO2 和CH4 的试验观测结果看出,各测项数据的连续性,准确性和稳定性都较强,是适用于地震地下流体微观和宏观监测、调查与核实等领域的理想监测仪器。
This article introduced the SLDZ-1 digitization underground fluid measures item of compositive observer's apparatus the main structure and the principle of work, simultaneously showed this instrument technical specification and the function. Moreover, from the water level, the water temperature, H2, CO2 and the CH4 experimental observation result understand, measured respectively a data the continuity, the accuracy and the stability are all strong, is suitable for the earthquake underground fluid the domain and so on microscopic and macroscopic monitor, investigation and checking ideal monitor instruments.