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2009年07月09日在云南省姚安县发生了Ms6.0地震,本文利用云南区域数字地震台网记录的ML≥2.0余震波形记录,通过对S波观测记录谱进行传播路径、场地响应和仪器响应等影响的逐一消除,得到了131个ML≥2.0地震的震源谱,进而根据Brune圆盘震源模型,利用遗传算法计算了地震矩、应力降、震源半径等震源参数,结果表明,该地震序列的Mo 在1012~1016N.m间,与近震震级有很好的线性关系,与震源半径呈线性关系;应力降与近震震级有一定的线性趋势相关性;拐角频率和地震矩Mo之间有明显的依赖关系。
Yao’an Ms6.0 earthquake On July 09,2009 occurred in Yunnan. Using waveforms of the ML≥2.0 earthquakes recorded by Yunnan Regional Digital Network ,By removing propagation,site and instrument effects from the displacement spectra of the S_wave recordings,we obtain the source parameters of 131 ML≥2.0 earthquakes based on the Brune disc model and Genetic algorithm, namely, the seismic moment Mo, stress drop Δσ and rupture radius r ,The results show that there is a good linear relation between Mo(1012~1016N.m) and local magnitude ML ; Mo and rupture radius r . Δσ seems dependent on ML; fc increases with M0 decreasing according to the lg fc_ Mo relation.