当前位置:首页 > 过刊浏览->2013年第5\6期合刊

Analysis on declining anomaly of Wangjiazhuang well water level in Luancheng
- DOI:
- 作者:
- 盛艳蕊1) 张子广1) 张素欣1) 李薇2
- 作者单位:
- 1) 中国石家庄050021河北省地震局 2)中国河北050000石家庄市地震局
- 关键词:
- 水位;下降异常;抽水
Water level, Declining anomaly, Pumping test
- 摘要:
The water level of Wangjiazhuang well in Luancheng rapidly and sharply declined within a short time for many times in August 2012. Through the investigation, we considered that the anomaly is caused by pumping on the well distance of about 860m from Wangjiazhuang well. Through pumping test model to quantitatively simulate pumping effect on Wangjiazhuang well water level change, the result shows that simulation results is close to the actual change, to further confirm declining anomaly of the well water level is caused by pumping effect.