回顾1966年邢台地震考察队分析组遵照周恩来总理关于“地震预报是个科学难题,要抓住邢台地震现场不放,去突破这个科学难关”的指示,在地震现场努力探索地震预报之路,采用边探索、边研究、边预报、边总结的方法,总结出大震前中小地震“密集-平静-大震”等特征,并成功运用于1966年3月26日MS 6.2强余震预测的过程。
This paper reviews the process of successful prediction of the MS 6.2 Xingtai strong aftershock on March 26, 1966. Following Premier Zhou Enlai's instructions that "Earthquake prediction is a scientifically unsolved difficult problem, you scientists should keep carrying out seismological research in the Xingtai earthquake field", in the following three years the author and her team made a comprehensive investigation and study of the Xingtai earthquake in the field. They made great efforts to explore the way to earthquake prediction and found the regularities of the strong earthquake occurrence in the Xingtai earthquake sequence such as "intensive small and moderate earthquake activities-seismic quiescence-strong earthquake burst" through the ways of predicting and summarizing while exploring and studying. Based on the regularities of the strong earthquake occurrence they had issued some earthquake predictions in the field, especially the successful prediction of the MS 6.2 Xingtai strong aftershock on March 26, 1966.
2017,38(1): 1-6 收稿日期:2016-12-28
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