新汤家坪跨断层短水准场地2015年7月17日观测曲线出现幅度为3.89 mm的下降变化。本文针对仪器工作状态、观测场地标志稳定性、人为影响、气象因素、异常变化特点及机理等因素,排除滑坡、开挖等影响,判断该水准AD测线压性异常属实,且非干扰所致,并据此提出后续处理意见。
The observation curve of cross-fault leveling in new Tangjiaping field dropped about 3.89 mm in July 17th, 2015. The environmental change of instrument working condition, observation site stability, some unavoidable artificial influence, the meteorological factor and their affect mechanism on cross-fault leveling observation are analyzed and the landslide, excavation and other possible influence factor are excluded in this paper. Based on the above analysis, we point out that the 3.89mm dropped change of the observation curve of cross-fault leveling in Xintangjiaping field is a true information from geological structure, and give out the follow-up suggestion.
2017,38(1): 81-87 收稿日期:2016-03-25
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