Geological drilling data is widely used in the reports of engineering geology and mineral exploration, and is of great value in the secondary development and reusing value. Drilling data is very significant for project planning, design, construction and so on. In this paper, the collected drilling data of Hebei Province are analyzed. The drilling distribution, site classification map, thick line graph of each city and liquefied sites distribution are provided. The shear wave velocity in borehole data is used as the liquefaction index to judge the liquefaction of the site. Taking the drilling data of Handan as an example, the three-dimensional strata are divided. Combined with the analysis of Cixian-Daming fracture, it is found that the fracture distribution in the subsurface is visible, which provides a visual means for fracture analysis.
2017,38(2): 125-131 收稿日期:2016-06-24
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