根据宿迁地震台地震计和数采参数、台站背景噪声等数据,结合历史地震观测数据,运用统计学计算方法,计算宿迁地震台地震监测能力。结果认为:宿迁地震台短周期台基背景噪声较大,微小地震监测能力较弱,但基本可以监测到ML 2.0地方震,也可监测到150 km范围内周边城市ML 2.5地震。
Base on the parameters of the seismometer and the data collector, and background noise of Suqian Seismic Station, combining with historical earthquake observation data, the monitoring ability of Suqian Seismic Station is calculated by use of the statistical method. The conclusion is that minor-cycle of background noise is large and the monitoring ability for small earthquakes is poor. Suqian Seismic Station has the capability to monitor ML 2.5 local earthquakes. When the epicentral distance less than 50 km, it can actually monitor ML 2.0 earthquakes.
2017,38(4): 199-202 收稿日期:2016-03-21
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