以山西省2016年度地震趋势研究报告、2016年以来山西省地震局月会商意见、月震情反映、周震情监视跟踪例会、紧急会商意见为依据,系统总结、整理山西盐湖MS 4.4地震震前异常及预测过程,给出山西南部地区4级左右地震短临预测指标,并就地震预测工作中存在的一些问题进行讨论。
On the basis of the research report on the 2016 annual earthquake tendency in Shanxi Province and monthly consultation opinions, monthly earthquake situation reflections, weekly earthquake monitoring and tracking meetings and emergency consultation opinions since 2016, the anomalies before the earthquake and the prediction process of Yanhu MS 4.4 earthquake are summarized and sorted outsystematically in this paper. The short-impending predication index for earthquakes around MS 4.0 in the southern region of Shanxi is proposed and some problems in the work of earthquake prediction are discussed.
2017,38(5): 49-56 收稿日期:2017-02-27
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