描述六安市地震台DPDC-2低频电磁扰动仪观测原理及运行环境,以2014年金寨震群、2015年3月14日安徽省阜阳市4.3级地震和2015年2月14日中国台湾台东县6.2级地震为例,分析该台电磁扰动仪映震能力。结果发现,六安地震台DPDC-2低频电磁观测扰动仪对金寨震群及阜阳MS 4.3地震有一定映震能力,对国内6.5级以下远震未表现出较强的映震能力。
This paper describes the observational principle and operating environment of DPDC-2 low frequency electromagnetic disturbance instrument of Lu'an Seismic Station. Based on the earthquake of Jinzhai earthquake swarm in 2014, Fuyang City MS 4.3 earthquake on March 14, 2015 in Anhui Province and Taitung County MS 6.2 earthquake on February 14, 2015 in Taiwan of China as examples to analyze the seismic capability of the electromagnetic disturbance instrument. The results show that the DPDC-2 low-frequency electromagnetic disturbance instrument has a certain ability of mapping to Jinzhai earthquake swarm and Fuyang MS 4.3 earthquake, and the following M 6.5 earthquake did not show a strong ability to reflect the earthquake.
2017,38(5): 76-80 收稿日期:2016-01-20
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