对昆明地震台山洞内放置的宽频带地震仪BBVS-60及观测井内放置的GL-S60B深井宽频带地震仪所记录的资料,进行背景噪声对比分析,得到基岩地区地面及井下背景噪声干扰,为今后在云南地区推广井下观测提供参考依据。结果显示,在1-20 Hz频段内,井下台背景噪声RMS值比地表台小,降噪效果UD向达30%以上,EW向达50%,NS向达60%。在100-30 s频带内噪声不降反升,原因有待进一步分析。
broad-band seismometer BBVS-60 is placed within a cave at Kunming Seismic Station and borehole seismometer GL-S60B is placed within the observation well, broad-band seismograph recorded data for comparative analysis of background noise, and concludes that the bedrock surface and borehole noise and interference for the future promotion provided a reference for borehole observed in Yunnan region. The results show that the borehole noise in the 1-20 Hz band RMS value is smaller than the surface, UD noise reduction effect to the above 30%, EW reach 50%, NS to 60%. At the 100-30 s band the noise does not fall but rise, requires further study.
2017,38(5): 86-95 收稿日期:2017-03-03
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