201522号“彩虹”台风于2015年10月4日14时前后登陆广东湛江坡头区,对其登陆及前后1周时间内,相邻地震台站宽频带地震计记录的台基噪声速度幅值相关关系进行分析,结果显示:①随着台风发育和消亡,在台风登陆的8区域附近,地震台记录的速度幅值由逐渐增加变为逐渐减小,相邻地震台速度幅值线性相关系数达0.9以上;②滤波后1—10 s频段数据,相邻地震台速度幅值比趋于稳定。可见“彩虹”台风对1—10 s频段台基噪声影响明显,相邻地震台幅值比趋于稳定。
Using the recordings of broadband seismometers in adjacent stations in Guangdong Province during the No.201522 typhoon, also including one week before and after it, the correlation of the velocity amplitude is studied. It shows that the velocity amplitude of recordings from the station near to the typhoon landing area is gradually turning from stronger to weaker and the linear correlation coefficient of the velocity amplitude of adjacent stations is above 0.9; Further analysis shows that the amplitude ratio between two adjacent stations is going to be stable when the frequency band of the recordings is defined from 0.1 Hz to 1 Hz. In conclusion, the influence of the typhoon on seismic background noise is very obvious. The amplitude ratio between two adjacent stations is stable in the 1-10 s frequency range.
2017,38(6): 98-103 收稿日期:2016-10-27
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