新疆地区每年地震应急5—7次,人工编辑震情简报的传统工作模式已无法满足地震应急工作的时效性要求。以Delphi XE为平台,开发新疆震情简报自动生成软件,实现新疆维吾尔自治区地震局震情简报从人工编辑转为自动生成,对提高新疆地震应急工作水平具有积极意义。
The annual earthquake emergency in Xinjiang area is 5—7 times a year. The traditional mode of artificial editing earthquake briefing has been unable to meet the actual needs of the earthquake emergency work. With Delphi XE as development platform, the software for automatic generating the Xinjiang earthquake briefing is developed. Achieving the conversion of Xinjiang Earthquake Administration briefing generating from manually to automatically, the software has positive significance to improve the Xinjiang earthquake emergency.
2017,38(6): 131-135 收稿日期:2016-10-12
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