September 2014, a temporary station network in the juncture area of Shanxi, Hebei and Inner Mongolia was officially put in operation, which provided abundant information for the earthquake research in the area. We did joint inversion of seismic relocation and 3D P-wave velocity structure by double-difference tomography combined with P-wave arrival time data recorded by the temporary stations and the fixed stations in the area. The velocity perturbation results of three typical basins in the area were analyzed. The results show that the residual of seismic relocation is significantly reduced and the distribution of focal depth is more reasonable. The P-wave velocity in shallow is basically consistent with the characteristic that the plain is low velocity area and the mountain is high velocity area, while the reverse in deep. The P-wave velocity in shallow of the typical basin is more complicated, high and low velocity alternatively, and the deep shows low velocity. The seismic activity is dense in the Xinding basin and the Yanhuai basin, and the seismic activity in the Datong basin is weak. The seismic activity in low velocity body and its edge is higher than that in high velocity body and its edge.
2018,39(2): 10-17 收稿日期:2017-11-08
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