Two kinds of methods, changing the distance of the distance of the measurement poles or the supply curent, are used in the experiment for improving the observation precision of resistivity.The results show that the increasing the supply current can obviously improve the observation accuracy of georesistivity at Xingji Seismic Station, and the improvement of the observation accuracy is approximately equal to the magnification of the supply current. But it's less effective to improve the observation accuracy of georesistivity at Xingji Seismic Station by increasing the measurement pole distance. The reason is to improve the power of supply current amplifys the potential difference as the interference keeps constant, so the accuracy of observation is improved, while increasing the measuring distance may amplify both the artificial power potential difference and the interference amplitude simulteneously in the same proportion, and can improve the observation accuracy obviously.
2018,39(2): 70-76 收稿日期:2017-02-27
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