对Burris型相对重力仪长时间断电后再次供电,分析Burris型重力仪升温过程,并使用2台Burris型重力仪(B95和B101) 2014年7月至2016年12月的实测数据,分析仪器性能。结果表明:① Burris型相对重力仪长时间断电并再次供电后,加热125 min达到恒温点,在升温过程中,读数先大幅减小后小幅增大,绝对变化率逐渐减小,通电110 h后零漂小于3×10-8 m/(s2·h),达地震重力观测仪器进网要求;② Burris型重力仪静态零漂存在由负变正的过程,不同仪器所需时间不同;③随着仪器使用年限加长,Burris型重力仪稳定性变差。忽略重力仪突跳读数,可获取测量精度在10×10-8 m/s2左右的流动重力数据;④ Burris型重力仪混合零漂和静态零漂变化基本一致,呈逐渐增大趋势,但存在差别。
We studied the property of Burris gravimeter, based on the observed data of Burris B95 and B101 during April 2014 and December 2016. After one month cooled, the test of heating process for B95 shows that the gravimeter reaches constant temperature after 125 minutes and zero drift rate of the gravimeter is larger than 5×10-8 m·s-2/h after 65 hours from power up. In the heating process, the reading of the gravimeter greatly drops and then increases in a small range, but the absolute rate of change gradually decreases. Static measurement data of B95 and B101 indicate that the zero drift rate increased to about 23×10-8 m·s-2/day from about -90×10-8 m·s-2/day which was gotten by the data when the meters were deployed. And we found that the zero drift rate of B95 exist obviously change process from negative drift rate to positive one after the meter has been used to measure mobile gravity for eight months, while the zero drift rate of B101 quickly changed into positive from negative after the meter was deployed. The measurement data in gravity baseline field in Xi'an shows that the stability of Burris gravity meter may deteriorate as the time in service extends. For Burris B95, the data in March 2016 and July 2015 had several jumps, while the data in July 2014 and January 2015 did not jump at the same sites. However, the data of Burris B101 was not having any jumps. Based on the data from B101 and from B95 without jumps, the standard deviation of the data in baseline field is about 10×10-8 m·s-2, which indicates that Burris gravimeter can be used in the mobile gravity survey with the precision of 10×10-8 m·s-2. The compositive drift rates of B95 and B101 were gotten by the measure data at the same sites and different times. The result of calculation shows that the variation tendency of compositive drift rate increases with operation time, which is in accordance with static zero drift, but the current compositive drift rate is different from the current static drift rate.
2018,39(2): 178-185 收稿日期:2017-05-10
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