Based on the analysis of focal mechanism in different periods before and after Japan M 9 earthquake in 2011, the stress field in the inland area before and after Japan M 9 earthquake was obtained by using the FMSI focal mechanism inversion method. Before the earthquake, the stress field is relatively stable and the compressive stress is near the horizontal level. The tensile stress is more complex and the direction is uncertain, indicating that the earthquakes in the area are mainly reverse fault and strike slip. After the earthquake, the stress field in the southeastern part of northeast Japan changed and became unstable. The normal fault is the main cause of the earthquake, and the minimum extrusion stress has changed from vertical to horizontal. The results of the study can be used to analyze the seismic geological background and fault formation conditions in this area, and have some reference and significance for the study of the earth's dynamic environment.
2018,39(3): 45-51 收稿日期:2017-11-23
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