By using GNSS observation datum of China Earthquake Administration "CMONOC", this study calculates and compares 7 sections of velocity fields of the north section of North-South seismic belt (32°-43°N, 95°-112°E) in ITRF2008 framework (relative to Eurasia), it compares velocity projections to these faults on both sides within 50-350 km, and calculates time sequences of relative changes of arc lengths across the fractures or not. Results show that the velocity vectors at the northern section of North-South seismic belt in Eurasian framework display clockwise rotation of NNE-NE-NEE. The movement rate of the Yinchuan graben stations relative to the Ordos block increased year by year, and the movement accelerated along the NNW direction (except the southern part of the graben) from 2011. Since 1999, the Qilian fault showed significant sinistral shear and thrust extrusion, and from 2013 the thrust and shear stress maintained growth momentum with strengthened locking; Haiyuan fault showed stable stress accumulation of sinistral shear and thrust compression, from 2013 sinistral shear had an acceleration and thrust extrusion remained stable with reinforced locking; As of 2015, Liuanshan fracture performanced weak and continuous thrust extrusion and slow dextral stress accumulation, from 2013 thrust extrusion continued except between Lanzhou and Dingxi; As of 2015 western section of the northern margin of west Qinling Mountains fault zone have thrust extrusion with high speed but becoming slow, and low sinistral shear stress accumulation with high motion speed; From 2013 eastern section maintained sinistral shear stress accumulation with high rate and stability, and continuous locking thrust compressional stress accumulation.
2018,39(4): 58-77 收稿日期:2017-08-17
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