地下水动态受水文因素影响较大,对地震和构造活动具有较灵敏的响应。判别并排除各种水文干扰,确认地下水在地震前的异常变化,对提高地震分析预报能力,具有重要作用。马家沟矿井水位动态观测层与地下水开采层为同一含水层,井水位于2010年出现破年变异常,加速持续上升,截至2015年,最大上升幅度约30 m。依据该井水文地质环境特征,根据唐山市区2001-2015年地下水位、降雨量、地下水开采量实测资料,建立合理多元回归模型和三维地下水流动模型,发现地下水开采量减少应为影响马家沟矿井水位动态的可能因素。文中采取的异常识别与分析方法,可为其他类似井孔的地下水动态异常识别及判定提供一定借鉴。
Groundwater dynamic has a sensitive response to earthquake and tectonic activity,at the same time,the effects of hydrologic interference are also greater. Discriminating and eliminating all kinds of hydrological factors interfering with the abnormal, it also confirms the abnormal changes before the earthquake, what plays an important role in improving earthquake analysis and forecasting ability. In 2010, the water level of the Majiagou mine had appeared broken annual variation abnormal, abnormal changes in the acceleration of well water level. By 2015, the biggest increase was about 30 meters. To analyze the cause of the abnormal changes in the well water, this paper is based on the hydrogeologic environment characteristics of Majiagou mine, according to the measured data of rainfall, groundwater extraction and the underground water table of the city of Tangshan from 2001 to 2015, build a reasonable multivariate regression model and athree-dimensional groundwater flow model, find out this phase affects the dynamic factors of the water level in the Majiagou mine is the reduction of groundwater extraction. The method of abnormal identification and analysis was adopted in this paper, have a certain significance for the dynamic anomaly recognition and decision work of this the water level dynamic observation layer and the groundwater mining layer are the same aquifer as well.
2018,39(5): 150-156 收稿日期:2017-06-12
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