阐述河北永清MS 4.3地震构造背景和地震活动特征,依据仪器烈度,通过对地震现场调查点评定烈度,根据极震区震感现象和分布范围,确定极震区影响烈度为Ⅴ度,并圈定地震烈度图分布范围,分析此次地震震害特征。
In this Article, the tectonic background and seismicity characteristics of MS 4.3 earthquake in Yongqing, Hebei Province are expounded. According to the intensity distribution of the instruments, the intensity of the earthquake is evaluated at the site of investigation. According to the phenomena and distribution range of the seismic sensation in the mega-seismic area, the influence intensity of the mega-seismic area is determined as V degree, and the distribution range of the seismic intensity map is delineated. The characteristics of the earthquake damage are analyzed.
2018,39(6): 86-93 收稿日期:2018-05-30
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