计算并分析安徽数字测震台网9个新参评台站数字化记录背景噪声,得到各台址背景噪声均方根RMS值、有效测量动态范围、噪声功率概率密度谱,按照地噪声水平规定,对各台进行台基噪声分类,数据表明,9个新参评台站有4个Ⅰ类台址、5个Ⅱ类台址。对于9个新参评台站噪声功率概率密度谱及各频点噪声干扰源,分析认为,大多数台站在频率10 Hz附近存在2组概率较高的背景噪声,与白天和夜晚的不同噪声水平相对应。
The basic situation of nine new participating stations in Anhui Digital Seismic Network is introduced. The background noise of digital records of nine stations are calculated and analyzed. The background noise fluctuation velocity root mean square (RMS) values, the effective dynamic range of observation values, probability density spectra of noise power are obtained. The stylobat noise of each station is classed based on stipulation of ground noise level. The data show that among the nine new participating stations, there is four of Class I sites and five of Class Ⅱ sites. Then, the probability density spectrum of noise power, and sources of frequency noise interference at nine stations are analyzed. The result indicates that there are two group background noises with higher frequency, about 10 Hz in most stations, corresponding to different noise levels during the day and night. The conclusions of this article provide some valuable references for the site and instrument selection, as well as noise analysis of seismic stations in Anhui Province for the future.
2018,39(6): 158-164 收稿日期:2018-04-23
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