为做好地震监测数据容灾备份,以山西地球物理台网为例,搭建NFS服务器,基于oracle rman技术,通过编写shell脚本程序,实现oracle数据库自动定时远程备份,确保在oracle数据库出现故障时能及时恢复,避免数据丢失。通过在山西地球物理台网进行试用,达到预期效果。
To take Shanxi seismic precursory network for example, a program based on a NFS server is designed in order to improve the disaster recovery capacity and backup of the precursory observational data. The program is use the rman utility to back up the database while the database is online, and realize the backup of local files to the remote server according to automated backup strategy. These measures can ensure precise recovery of precursor database in the event of database failures to avoid data loss. The program achieved fairly good results applied in Shanxi geophysical network.
2019,40(2): 146-149 收稿日期:2018-06-03
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