The seismic waveform characteristics of karst landform area in Xichuan Nanyang by the seismic network of Henan are analyzed in this paper. Besides, the first motion, the AS/AP ratio, the time difference of the reflection PmP and the apparent velocity of Pg and Pg wave of the blasting record waveform in Ruyang mining area of Henan province were prepared with the seismic waveform of karst landform area. Although the characteristics of the seismic waveform of karst region is relatively similar to the blasting record waveform, some typical seismic features are obviously different. For example, the first motion direction distribution is four quadrant, the amplitude ratio is more than 3 and the weak records of reflection wave together with the higher seismic Pg wave apparent velocity.
2019,40(3): 21-26 收稿日期:2019-01-02
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