Because the great majority of 61 stations in Fujian GNSS continuous observation network are unattended stations, we design a remote monitoring system of Fujian GNSS continuous observation network based on WeChat public technology. It can receive the detection of station equipment operating status and upload anomaly information to the monitoring center in a timely manner while detecting anomalies to improve the operation rate of GNSS network. It can get data integrity ratio statistics of Fujian GNSS continuous observation network, and send the data integrity ratio statistics to workers of operation maintenance department to replenish continuous observation data. It can provide equipment failure type classification to improve each station. Compared with the current technology systems, it is able to automatically judge the location of the fault point of stations in real time and make an alarm through WeChat public technology and so on which enhance the troubleshooting malfunction efficiency. Practical operation shows that the remote monitoring system runs reliably and improves the Fujian GNSS continuous observation network to work effectively.
2019,40(3): 176-181 收稿日期:2018-01-22
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