收集宁夏测震台网地震目录资料,采用MBS、EMR、震级-序号、MAXC、GFT等方法,对宁夏境内1970-2017年最小完整性震级Mc时序变化进行综合分析,确定采用EMR方法测定的Mc较为理想,并进一步分析该区Mc时空分布特征。结果显示,宁夏测震台网测震模拟观测、数字化改造及"十五"数字化运行阶段,Mc分别为ML 2.2±0.1、ML 1.7±0.1、ML 1.6±0.1;"十五"数字化运行阶段以来,Mc空间分布不均匀,整体维持在ML 1.3左右。
Based on the collected earthquake catalogue and seismic network data of Ningxia Province, the variation of Mc for earthquake catalogue within the territory of Ningxia from 1970 to 2017 is analyzed synthetically in this paper using the various methods such as b-value stability approach (MBS), Entire Magnitude Range (EMR), magnitude-order number, the maximum curvature (MAXC) and the goodness-of-fit test (GFT). It shows that the method of EMR is fit for computing Mc in all kinds methods in Ningxia. The characteristics of spatial distribution is analyzed. The results showed that Mc is ML 2.2 ±0.1, ML1.7 ±0.1, ML1.6 ±0.1 respectively in the stage of analogue observation, digitization observation and the tenth five-year plan. The spatial distribution of Mc since the "tenth five-year plan" is asymmetrical and the value of Mc is about ML1.3.
2019,40(4): 37-44 收稿日期:2018-12-07
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