介绍了皖南地区区域地震台网20个测震台站的基本情况。对20个台站的背景噪声数字化记录进行了计算和分析,得其背景噪声均方根RMS值、有效测量动态范围,分析了噪声水平并按照地噪声水平的规定对各台进行了台基噪声分类。结果表明,20个测震台站中有9个I类台址、9个Ⅱ类台址、2个Ⅲ类台址。同时,分析了皖南地区区域台网的最小监测能力,结果表明,皖南地区区域台网最小监测能力为ML ≥-0.1-0.6,台站监测能力基本满足皖南地区监测需求。
The basic situation of the 20 seismic stations of seismic network in Southern Anhui is introduced. The digital recording results of background noise of 20 seismic stations are calculated and analyzed to get the mean square root of RMS value of the background noise and the dynamic ranges. Besides, the noise level is analyzed and the ground noise level of each station is classified. The data show that 20 seismic stations is classified as Class I sites with 9, Class II sites with 9 and Class III sites with 2. Also the minimum monitoring ability of Southern Anhui Seismic Network is analyzed. Data shows the minimum monitoring ability of Southern Anhui Seismic Network is between ML ≥ -0.1-0.6,which basically meets the needs of Southern Anhui Seismic Network.
2019,40(5): 36-40 收稿日期:2019-02-21
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