In order to predict earthquake casualties accurately, support vector machine (SVM) model optimized by genetic algorithm (PSO) based on principle component analysis (PCA) was proposed. Making the data dimension reduction to 6 factors from 7 impact factors of earthquake casualties using PCA, classifying the origin time of earthquake by intervals, normalizing the extracted principal components which were used as input vectors of support vector machine and optimizing the best SVM parameters using PSO, finally the prediction model for earthquake casualties based on PCA-PSO-SVM was established which was used to predict the casualties of 5 samples. The prediction model results considering the earthquake origin time factors or not were compared. The result shows the minimum error, maximum error and average error of PCA-PSO-SVM model were 0.85%, 20% and 10% respectively without considering the earthquake origin time factor. Compared with PSO-SVM model and SVM model, the average error of PCA-PSO-SVM model is reduced by 2.08% and 2.28% respectively. After the classified data of origin time factor was added in input vectors, the minimum error, maximum error and average error of PCA-PSO-SVM model were 0.25%, 20% and 7.18% respectively. Compared with PSO-SVM model and SVM model, the average error of PCA-PSO-SVM model is reduced by 3.34% and 3.50%, respectively. Therefore, the average error of three models was reduced obviously after adding the earthquake origin time factor, and PCA-PSO-SVM model can improve the operation efficiency and prediction accuracy obviously and reduced the complexity of the model duo to dimension reduction.
2019,40(5): 41-47 收稿日期:2018-11-30
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