为了在测震台址勘选中对规避风电机组这类新生的常见干扰源有定量参考依据,以减少盲目性,提高台址勘选效率,在野外开展了定量实验,取得了实地测试数据,并初步探讨了风电机组干扰源的振动衰减关系。研究认为,对于风电机组这类干扰源,测震基岩固定台站Ⅰ级环境地噪声水平的建议规避距离为800 m。
In order to evade wind turbines of this kind of new common interference sources to have a quantitative reference basis in Survey and choice of sites, in order to reduce the blindness and improve the efficiency of Survey and choice of sites, this work made a quantitative experimental study in the field, the field test data were obtained, a preliminary wind interference sources of vibration attenuation relations are discussed. The research suggests that the wind turbine tenerator set for this kind of interference sources.The evasion distance of the fixed bedrock Seismologic station of Ⅰ level environmental noise level is 800 m.
2019,40(5): 131-139 收稿日期:2018-09-30
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