Gravity and magnetic inversion software was used for data processing and analytical extension of the total magnetic intensity of flowing geomagnetic field in the boundary area between Hebei, Shandong and Henan provinces in August 2017, studies the lithospheric magnetic field, the anomaly distribution characteristics of deep and shallow surface and the magnetic susceptibility structure of underground medium in this area. The results show that the distribution characteristics of lithospheric magnetic field anomalies in the boundary area between Hebei, Shandong and Henan provinces are the results of the comprehensive superposition of shallow and deep lithospheric magnetic anomalies. The shallow susceptibility structure of the lithosphere underground medium is different from that of the deep one and it is controlled by faults, which may be related to the complex lithospheric susceptibility structure and geological structure in this area.
2019,40(6): 47-52 收稿日期:2019-06-19
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