This paper takes all coseismic response events recorded at the water level of Tengchong Seismic Station well from 2008 to 2017 as research objects, systematically analyzes the coseismic response characteristics of the well water level, and preliminarily discusses the coseismic response mechanism based on the geological background conditions of the well. The results show that the coseismic response ability of water level in Tengchong well increases with the increase of magnitude; Due to the different well spacing, the coseismic response patterns mainly show the variation of near earthquakes order falling-complex type and far earthquakes oscillation type; The coseismic response amplitude of well water level increases with the increase of magnitude and decreases with the increase of well seismic distance, and the ability of well water level variation affected by magnitude and seismic distance is basically equal; The larger the earthquake magnitude, the longer the coseismic response duration; Well water level coseismic response has obvious locational characteristics. The mechanism of coseismic response caused by distant earthquakes is related to surface wave action, and the mechanism of coseismic response caused by near earthquakes may be related to the geological and structural background conditions of the water level well at Tengchong Seismic Station.
2019,40(6): 100-110 收稿日期:2019-06-12
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