Based on the study of the earthquake catalogue and historical documents in north China since 1970, this paper inductions, summarizes, and tests the anomaly index of significant enhancement of seismic frequency. Selecting typical earthquakes in the eastern region from China Earthquake Case (1966-2012), such as Tangshan M 7.8 earthquake in Hebei Province on July 28, 1976, and Haicheng M 7.4 earthquake in Liaoning Province on February 4, 1975, the retrospective test of the earthquake case is carried out, and the explicit calculation rules of the index are summarized. We have designed a specific computer program, which can automatically scan and calculate the seismic significant enhancement anomaly index in a short time according to the parameters of the designated area and magnitude. This study can provide a reference for seismic prediction analysts to determine seismological anomalies and extract prediction indicators.
2020,41(2): 155-164 收稿日期:2019-09-03
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