There are 8 main water systems in Sichuan Province, including Jinsha river, Yalong river, Dadu river, Minjiang river, Tuojiang river, Fujiang river, Jialing river, and Qujiang river. Because hydroelectric power stations located on the Jinsha river, Yalong river, and Dadu river are basically in high altitude, high seismic intensity, high slope, and mountain canyon with extremely complex geological conditions, it is necessary to strengthen seismic monitoring of hydroelectric power stations according to relevant laws and regulations. After more than 30 years of efforts, a total of 16 power stations located on the eight water systems have built special seismic monitoring networks and put into operation, while the other 56 power stations have made slow progress in seismic monitoring. This paper describes the situation of seismic monitoring in the main river basins of Sichuan Province in detail. It is hoped that the river basins with the slow progress of earthquake monitoring will promote seismic monitoring as soon as possible.
2020,41(3): 139-146 收稿日期:2019-08-21
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