系统梳理了2020年1月16日新疆库车5.6级地震前出现的地震活动和地球物理观测等异常,结果如下:①地震活动:震前存在地震平静、地震高频、带状分布、地震窗等中短期异常;②地球物理观测:震中350 km范围内均为形变异常,分别体现在固体潮、地倾斜、钻孔应变测项;③综合方法主要识别出年尺度异常。对库车5.6级地震序列进行分析,可知主震震源机制为走滑型破裂,余震不丰富,序列衰减不明显,序列发展过程中地震活动起伏变化明显。综合分析认为,此次地震前地震活动中短期异常较为突出,地球物理观测异常相对较少,发震前2年异常数量出现先增加后减少的现象,对地震的发震时间具有一定指示意义。
The anomalies of seismicity and geophysical observation before the MS 5.6 Kuqa earthquake are systematically summarized. In terms of seismicity, there are medium-term and short-term anomalies such as seismic quiescence, high seismicity frequency, belt-like seismic distribution, seismic window. In terms of geophysical observation, only deformation anomalies are observed within 350 km of the epicenter, such as the observation items of the solid tide, ground tilt, and borehole strain. The anomalies identified by the comprehensive method are mainly annual trend anomalies. The focal mechanism solution for the Kuqa MS 5.6 earthquake shows a strike-slip rupture. The earthquake sequence is not abundant and the seismic attenuation is not significant. According to the comprehensive analysis, medium-term and short-term anomalies of seismicity before the Kuqa MS 5.6 earthquake are prominent, the observed geophysical anomalies are relatively scarcer. There is a phenomenon of first increasing and then decreasing anomaly numbers two years before the earthquake. This phenomenon has a certain indicating significance for the occurrence time of earthquakes.
2020,41(3): 147-161 收稿日期:2020-05-30
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