通过分析市县地震部门的地震应急组织机构、主要职能、关键流程,设计了地震应急工作助手的需求方案。并应用ASP.NET MVC、HTML5等开发技术,基于企业微信,开发了包括震情服务、灾情服务、应急服务、工作报告、资料查询、通知公告、通信录等7大功能的地震应急工作助手软件。该软件具有相对机动灵活、成本低、易于推广使用的优势。多次地震应急演练使用表明,软件能在较大程度上提高地震应急工作的规范化程度和处置效率。
Based on the analysis of the organization, main functions, and key processes of earthquake emergency in municipal and county earthquake departments, the requirement of earthquake emergency work assistant is analyzed and the software design is completed. Using ASP.NET MVC, HTML5, and other development technologies, and based on the enterprise Wechat, the earthquake emergency work assistant software is realized with seven functions including earthquake information service, disaster information service, emergency service, work report, data query, notice announcement, and address book. This software has the advantages of flexibility, low cost, and easy to use. The application in several earthquake emergency drills shows that it can greatly improve the standardization degree and disposal efficiency of earthquake emergency work.
2020,41(4): 251-263 收稿日期:2020-02-05
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