位于四川省甘孜藏族自治州康定市内大渡河干流的长河坝-黄金坪水电站,为大渡河流域开发中,以长河坝、大岗山、瀑布沟等形成主要梯级格局开发方案中,"三库22级"水电站中的第10和11级电站,其地震监测台网也采用梯级设计方式,长河坝-黄金坪上下游水库地震监测台网统一设计、建设及监测,共享同一地震监测能力。通过对监测设备的技术指标、台基地噪声水平和震级-频度对数关系的分析,结果表明,长河坝-黄金坪水库区域地震固定台站建成后,地震监测能力达到并优于设计的理论监测能力,地震监测震级达到下限为ML 0.5的设计要求。
The Changheba-Huangjinping hydropower station that is located on the trunk stream of Dadu river in Kangding city, Garze Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province is the 10th and 11th stage hydropower stations of "three reservoirs 22 stages" hydropower stations in the development scheme of the Changheba hydropower, Dagang mountain hydropower, Pubugou hydropower and so on, forming the main cascade pattern in the Dadu river basin development. Its earthquake monitoring network also adopts the cascade design mode. The earthquake monitoring network of the Changheba-Huangjinping upstream and downstream reservoir is uniformly designed, constructed, and operated, sharing the same earthquake monitoring capacity. By analyzing the technical indexes of the monitoring equipment, the noise level of the station base, and the relationship between the magnitude-frequency logarithm, it shows that after the completion of the seismic fixed station construction in the Changheba-Huangjinping reservoir area, the seismic monitoring capability reaches and is superior to the designed theoretical monitoring capability and meets the design requirement of the lower limit of ML 0.5.
2020,41(5): 25-32 收稿日期:2020-03-18
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