In 2019, Heilongjiang completed the site survey and selection of the "Belt and Road" seismic array project. Based on the seismic background noise survey of 136 sites, the noise characteristics and the base response of the seismic array data with different environmental noise levels are studied by calculating the acceleration power spectral density of the background noise in different frequency bands. At the same time, the comparison between seismic records of the seismic array and fixed stations is completed. The results show that the noise level in the northwest and southeast of Heilongjiang Province is low, and the observation environment is good; the noise level in the middle and northeast of Heilongjiang Province is high, especially in the Daqing area. The test results truly reflect the noise distribution in this area. A new understanding of noise level and interference factors in this area is obtained.
2020,41(5): 63-68 收稿日期:2020-05-27
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