An MS 5.1 earthquake occurred in Qingbaijiang District, Chengdu City on February 3, 2020. The tectonic background, source physical parameters, and sequence characteristics, as well as seismicity and geophysical observations before the event, are systematically summarized in this paper. The results show that there are some medium-term and short-term anomalies such as high solid tide modulation ratio, geomagnetic low point displacement, earth tidal gravity. The activity characteristics of the sequence show that the Qingbaijiang earthquake is an isolated earthquake type, and the sequence parameters are basically consistent with the current seismicity level of aftershock activity. In addition, the Qingbaijiang earthquake occurred on the Longquanshan fault zone, and the focal mechanism of the mainshock shows that it is a thrust type fracture event, which is consistent with the structural nature of the Longquanshan fault. Meanwhile, the earthquake occurred in the weak earthquake area in the Sichuan Basin, which has a certain significance for the prediction of the subsequent strong earthquakes in the Sichuan Yunnan and the area bordering Sichuan Yunnan Tibet.
2020,41(5): 141-152 收稿日期:2020-10-10
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