作为"一带一路"地震台网项目的子项目,鹤岗地震台阵区域位置特殊,在地震监测中担负着重要使命。2019年,黑龙江省地震局采用Reftek-130B地震数据采集器和CMG-3T宽频带地震计,完成台阵前期勘选工作,连续波形记录时间30天以上,波形记录质量良好。利用该台阵已勘选的15个点位连续波形记录,估计各点位功率谱,通过绘制概率密度函数图和单频曲线,初步分析该地区背景噪声变化特征。分析结果表明,各勘选点位的噪声功率谱密度相对稳定,部分点位受人类活动影响,在10 Hz以上存在突变,3-5、3-6、4-4子台高频变化较为明显,勘选点位的背景噪声变化特征可为今后的地震台阵建设提供依据。
The construction of the Hegang Seismic Array is part of "The Belt and Road" Seismic Network Project. It plays an important role in regional earthquake monitoring. In 2019, Heilongjiang Earthquake Agency adopted the Reftek-130B seismic data collector and CMG-3T broadband seismometer to complete the survey and selection of seismic array sites. The continuous waveform recording time is more than 30 days and the waveform recording quality is good. In this paper, the continuous waveforms of 15 sites in the array are used to complete the power spectrum estimation for each site. By drawing the probability density function and single frequency curve, the variation range of the background noise in this area is preliminarily studied. At the same time, the correlation analysis of each site is completed. The analysis results show that the background noise power spectral density of the selected sites is relatively stable, some sites are affected by human activities at more than 10 Hz, and the effect at the 3-5, 3-6 and 4-4 sub-stations are obvious. The analysis results of seismic array survey data can provide a basis for future construction.
2020,41(6): 32-37
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