将压缩感知方法应用于上海佘山地震台阵远震定位,对于该台阵记录的MS 5.5以上全球地震事件,根据震级大小、地震波走时、事件分布,筛选得到45个远震事件记录,采用分析压缩感知及传统方法,计算最优反方位角和慢度值,发现压缩感知方法在地震台阵的远震定位中表现良好;对于震相较为复杂的地震,在求取能量最大及超过最大能量95%以上的点,得到最终源信号,也就是震源位置,压缩感知方法具有更高的分辨率。
We apply the compressed sensing (CS) method to the teleseismic location in the Shanghai Sheshan Seismic Array (SSSA). Based on the magnitude, travel-time, and location of earthquakes, we choose 45 global teleseism events from MS ≥ 5.5 earthquakes recorded by the SSSA. By analyzing the optimal back-azimuth and slowness values obtained with the CS method and other traditional methods, we found the CS method performs well in the seismic array for teleseism events. For earthquakes with complex phases, the CS method has a higher resolution when obtaining the point where the energy is the largest and more than 95% of the maximum energy, that is, the seismic source location.
2020,41(6): 96-102
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