惠州断层长约20 km,宽约5 km,产状135°—150°/NE∠65°—75°,在断层露头处可见复合断层角砾岩,这反映出该断层曾发生过多次运动。为研究该断层最新活动时代及地震危险性,得到的现今惠州断层垂直形变图显示,该区明显受区域活动构造所控制,垂直形变幅度相对较小,无明显的高速度梯度带;地壳水平运动状态测点的运动速率比较小,平均为7.4 mm/a,与华南地块运动方向和大小基本保持一致,内部无明显的运动速率阶跃带和分区现象,属整体性运动地块,块体内部稳定性较好。惠州断层综合运用构造类比和经验关系的方法,最后综合确定目标区目标断层的最大震级为MS 6.0,复发间隔为2 351 a。该研究成果对惠州市及其邻近地区的中长期地震预报和潜在震源区判定,以及惠州市城区地震小区划、震害预测和断层危害性评价具有重要的理论和实际意义。
The Huizhou fault is about 20 km long and 5 km wide, with an attitude of 135°—150°/NE∠65°—75°. A composite fault breccia can be seen at the outcrop of the fault, which reflects that the fault has experienced multiple movements. The current vertical deformation pattern of the Huizhou fault is obviously controlled by regional active structures. The vertical deformation amplitude is relatively small and there is no obvious high-speed gradient zone. The movement rate at the crustal horizontal movement state measurement site is relatively small, with an average speed of 7.4 mm/a. The movement direction and speed are basically the same as that of the Huanan Block. There is no obvious movement rate step zone and zoning phenomenon inside. It belongs to the overall moving block, and the internal stability of the block is good. Comprehensively using the method of structural analogy and empirical relationship, it is concluded that the maximum magnitude of the possible earthquake in the Huizhou fault is MS 6.0 and the recurrence interval is 2 351 a. The research results have important theoretical and practical significance for the medium- and long-term earthquake prediction and determination of potential focal areas in Huizhou and its adjacent areas, as well as the earthquake district planning, earthquake damage prediction, and fault hazard evaluation in Huizhou city.
2021,42(1): 48-60 收稿日期:2020-06-23
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