地震站网全流程一体化监控平台是基于微服务框架,应用数据库、通信、并行计算等传统信息技术,结合新兴的云计算、大数据进行建设的信息服务平台。该平台采用Hadoop分布式处理方案,应用Spring Cloud框架搭建,进行Docker容器封装,以标准RESTful API作为服务接口的微服务架构,实现了各应用服务模块之间的高内聚、低耦合及灵活、可扩展的特性,最终实现对地震台站运行的实时监测、高效运维和一体化管理。
The whole-process integrated monitoring platform of the seismic station network is an information service platform based on a micro-service framework constructed by applying traditional information technologies such as database, communication, and parallel computing, combined with emerging cloud computing and big data. The platform adopts the Hadoop distributed processing framework, uses the Spring Cloud framework to build, the Docker container to encapsulate, and the standard RESTful API as the microservice architecture of the service interface. The platform realizes the high cohesion, low coupling, flexibility, and extensibility between application service modules, so as to achieve real-time monitoring, efficient operation and maintenance, and integrated management of seismic stations.
2021,42(3): 276-283 收稿日期:2021-04-12
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