The geomagnetic second sampling observation is easily susceptible to environmental interference, including magnetic storms, high-voltage direct current transmission, human interference, instrument failures, and so on, which are not easy to be discovered, resulting in low-quality data. If many interferences and magnetic disturbances are superimposed, it will be more difficult to identify, leading to incorrect data processing. In order to improve the quality of observations, an intelligent analysis system software for geomagnetic second sampling data has been developed, which can analyze and monitor the working status of the instrument and various interference and magnetic storms in observations; and trigger alarms when in time find abnormal observations. At the same time, multiple data comparison intelligent analysis software is used to automatically identify complex interferences and high-voltage DC interferences and mark the location of the interference data to improve the accuracy and effectiveness of data processing.
2021,42(3): 284-290 收稿日期:2020-07-06
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