介绍了山东数字地震台网基本情况,计算了40个测震台站台基背景噪声,利用Welch方法计算噪声功率谱密度(PSD),进而计算地震台台基1—20 Hz地动噪声均方根值(RMS)和有效动态观测范围。根据计算结果,依照《地震台站观测环境技术要求》,对山东测震数字台网40个参评测震台站进行背景噪声级别分类,并分析不同台站背景噪声水平较低的原因,以期为测震台网的优化建设提供数据支持。
In this paper, the basic situation of the digital seismic network in Shandong Province is introduced, the background noise of 40 seismic stations is calculated, the noise power spectral density (PSD) is calculated using the Welch method, and the root mean square values (RMS) of ground motion noise of the seismic station in the frequency band of 1-20 Hz ground motion noise of the seismic station and observation dynamic range areis calculated. With the calculation results, according to the "Technical Requirements for Observation Environment of Seismic Stations", the background noise level of 40 seismic stations of the Shandong Seismic Digital Network was classified, and the reasons for the low background noise levels of distinct stations were analyzed. The research can provide data support for the optimization of the seismic network.
2021,42(5): 129-134 收稿日期:2021-06-02
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