With the large-scale construction of HVDC transmission lines, the geoelectric field observations and observation equipment are continuously influenced by the stray currents generated by ground electrodes. Whether the stray current will affect buried equipment is a question worth studying. Based on the surface corrosion amount formula of metal current to metal facilities, this study determines the characteristics and intensity of stray currents in the electric field observations and calculates the amount of corrosion to metal facilities at a specific ground electrode discharge current intensity over multiple distances by analyzing the stray current discharge signals of HVDC received at four electric stations in Shanghai area. In conclusion, combining the discharge intensity, discharge time, and distance between the ground electrode and facilities, the effects on the underground facilities at fixed stations are relatively small. However, when there are close, long time, and specific observations, it will cause more serious effects on buried equipment.
2022,43(2): 46-53 收稿日期:2021-6-22
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