2022年1月2日云南省丽江市宁蒗县发生MS 5.5地震。震后社会舆论关注度较高,相关话题一度冲上新浪微博热搜榜第十位。此时,因地震系统职责所在,运用新闻宣传手段快速、高效回复社会关切,既可还原地震事件真相、有效减少地震谣言的产生,亦能塑造地震行业的正面形象,从而更好地为防震减灾事业发展服务。
The occurrence of the Ninglang MS 5.5 earthquake on January 2, 2022, had attracted wide attention of the public. After the earthquake, the related topics once ranked the 10th on Sina Microblog hot search list. It is the responsibility of the earthquake administration system to respond social concerns quickly and efficiently by news publicity.
2022,43(2): 198-201 收稿日期:2022-1-18
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